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- Short: CyberGraphX Developer Kit Release IV
- Type: dev/misc
- Author: Frank Mariak, Matthias Scheler, Joerg Krause, Stefan Becker, Olaf Peters, Mario Kemper, Reinhard Haslbeck
- Uploader: F.Mariak@ping.de (Frank Mariak)
- This is an update to ReleaseIII. It also covers cybergraphics version 41 now.
- AmigaE, Modula and Oberon related information has not been updated yet.
- If anybody is interested to update it, please contact me at F.Mariak@ping.de.
- This archive contains informations required to develop programs
- which use CyberGraphX:
- Autodocs/cybergraphics.doc autodoc for the "cybergraphics.library"
- FD/cybergraphics_lib.fd library function offsets (FD format)
- AmigaE/Modules module for AmigaE
- Assembler/Include Assembler include file
- C/Include C includes
- C/dlib C linker library for DICE
- C/slib C linker library for SAS/C
- C/Examples Example programs in C
- Modula M2Amiga modules
- Oberon/Interfaces Amiga Oberon module
- Oberon/Examples Example program for Amiga Oberon
- The following people created this developer kit:
- Frank Mariak autodoc, FD, Assembler and C includes
- F.Mariak@ping.de
- Matthias Scheler autodoc, C includes, examples, SAS/C support
- tron@lyssa.owl.de
- Joerg Krause AmigaE module
- quacks@paula.owl.de
- Stefan Becker C includes, DICE support
- stefanb@yello.ping.de
- Olaf Peters M2Amiga modules
- olf@informatik.uni-bremen.de
- Mario Kemper Amiga Oberon module, example
- magick@bundy.lip.owl.de
- Reinhard Haslbeck GCC support
- haslbeck@leo.org
- Roland Mainz
- gisburn@w-specht.rhein-ruhr.de